Complications and Management of Elderly Primigravida Pregnancy

Elderly primigravida pregnancy

Elderly Primigravida Pregnancy: Symptoms, Complications, Management

Elderly Primigravida Pregnancy Meaning:

Women having their first pregnancy at or above the age of 30 years (According to FIGO- 35 years) are called elderly primigravida pregnancy.

Elderly primigravida pregnancy
Fig: Elderly primigravida pregnancy

Management of Elderly Primigravida Pregnancy:

A. During pregnancy or antenatal period:

1. Frequent antenatal visits throughout the pregnancy is mandatory.

2. Early diagnosis and treatment of anaemia, PET, malpresentation.

3. Early detection of abnormalities and pre-decision about route of delivery.

4. Nursing assessment:

  • Physical status,
  • The women’s understanding of pregnancy,
  • Family support,
  • Knowledge of infant care,
  • Women husband attitudes toward the pregnancy.

You can read: Pregnancy Sign, Symptoms and Confirmation Test

B. During labour:

1. The patient should be delivered in hospital in case of both normal vaginal delivery and caesarian section.

2. If fails to start spontaneous labour-induction of labour.

3. If premature labour: Rest and sedation

4. If membrane ruptured-foot end raised and antibiotic prophylactically.

5. Delivery must be in well-equipped hospital:

  • If any complication e.g Toxaemia, malpresentation, Eclampsia-C/S.
  • If no complication.
  • If cervix is not dialated or fetal/maternal distress.

C. During puerperium:

  • As usual and breast feeding.

D. Method of delivery:

  • Normal vaginal delivery is encouraged if there is no contraindication for both mother and fetus.
  • Caesarian section is an alternative to vaginal delivery.
  • Any other complications should be viewed with concern.

Complications of Elderly Primigravida Pregnancy:

Complications of Mother:

During pregnancy:

  • Abortion,
  • Abruptio placenta,
  • Pre-eclapmpsia,
  • Uterine fibroid,
  • Tendency of post maturity,
  • Medical conditions related to advancing age like – hypertension, DM.
  • Intra-uterine growth retardation.

During Labour:

  • Premature labour,
  • Prolonged labour due to uterine inertia,
  • Impaired joint mobility,
  • Inelasticity of soft tissues of the birth canal,
  • Maternal and fetal distress,
  • Increase chance of operative intervention,
  • Retained placenta.

During Puerperium:

  • Increased morbidity due to operative interference.
  • Failing lactation.

Fetal complications:

  • Preterm birth and prematurity,
  • Intrauterine growth retardation,
  • Fetal congenital malformation.

More questions related to this article:

  1. What do you mean by elderly primigravida?
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  3. What is elderly primigravida pregnancy?
  4. What is primigravida pregnancy?
  5. What are the complications of primigravida pregnancy?
  6. Write down the complications of elderly primigravida.
  7. What problems may occur of women who have elderly primi?
  8. Mention the dangers occur in elderly primigravida during prenatal, intranatal and puerperium.
  9. Write down the management of elderly primigravida.
  10. What are the complications of primigravida pregnancy?
  11. What are the complications of elderly primigravida during labor?
  12. What are the complications of elderly primigravida during puerperium.
  13. What are the management of elderly primigravida during antenatal period?

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