Nursing Care Plan of Oligohydramnios

Nursing management of oligohydramnios

Nursing Management of Oligohydramnios

What is Oligohydramnios?

Oligohydramnios is a medical condition characterized by a lower-than-normal amount of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac during pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is crucial for the fetus’s development as it cushions the baby, helps maintain a constant temperature, and is necessary for lung and digestive system development.

Nursing management of oligohydramnios
Fig: Nursing management of oligohydramnios

Nursing Management of Oligohydramnios:

Assessment: Assess for the following:

  1. Ballottement results in fluid waves.

  2. Fundal height excessive for gestation.

  • Fetus difficult to outline with palpation.
  • Supine hypotension.
  • Fetal abnormalities of central nervous system or GI tract.
  • Easy fatigability.

You can follow: Causes, Diagnosis and Symptoms of Oligohydramnios

Analysis/Nursing Diagnosis:

  1. Risk for fetal injury.
  2. Impaired physical mobility.
  3. Actual/risk for fluid volume deficit.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Anticipatory grieving.
  6. Altered family process.
  7. Actual/risk for altered parenting.
  8. Health seeking behaviors.


  • Promote maternal comfort.
  • Promote maternal-fetal wellbeing.
  • Provide opportunities for counseling and support.
  • Provide education for self-care measures in increasing comfort.


  1. Facilitate testing; amniocentesis, sonogram.

  2. Assess FHR.

  3. Anticipate premature labor and postpartum hemorrhage caused by over distention of the uterine muscle.

  4. Instruct and explain:

  1. Nature of problem.
  2. Need to obtain immediate medical attention for problems.
  3. Need to observe for pre-eclampsia.


  • Ensure that the expectant mother.
  • Verbalizes increased comfort.
  • Progresses to uneventful birth, as does her baby.
  • Verbalizes support.
  • Verbalizes self-care measures.

More management tips are in the below:

  1. Monitor maternal and fetal status closely, including vital signs and fetal heart rate patterns.
  2. Monitor maternal weight gain pattern, notifying the health care provider if weight loss occurs.
  3. Provide emotional support before, during, and after ultrasonography.
  4. Inform the patient about coping measures if fetal anomalies are suspected.
  5. Instruct her about signs and symptoms of labor, including those she’ll need to report immediately.
  6. Reinforce the need for close supervision and follow up.
  7. Assist with amnioinfusion as indicated.
  8. Encourage the patient to lie on her left side.
  9. Ensure that amnioinfusion solution is warmed to body temperature.
  10. Continuously monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate during the amnioinfusion procedure.
  11. Note the development of any uterine contractions, notify the health care provider, and continue to monitor closely.
  12. Maintain strict sterile technique during amnioinfusion.

More questions related to this article:

  • What do you mean by oligohydramnios?
  • Define oligohydramnios.
  • What is oliamnios?
  • Describe the management of oligohydramnios.
  • Write down the nursing care management of this case?

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