Classification of Newborn Baby or Child or Neon
Who is Newborn Baby or Neonate?
A newborn infant, or neonate, is a child under 28 days of age. During these first 28 days of life, the child is at highest risk of dying. It is thus crucial that appropriate feeding and care are provided during this period, both to improve the child’s chances of survival and to lay the foundations for a healthy life.

Types or Classification of Newborn Baby or Neonate or Child:
1. According to gestational age:
- Pre-term: A newborn delivered before 37 weeks of gestation.
- Late preterm: A newborn delivered between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation.
- Term: A newborn delivered between 37 and 41 week gestation irrespective of birth weight.
- Post-term: A newborn delivered at a gestational age of 42 weeks or more.
2. According to birth weight:
- Normal birth weight: 2500 gm-3999 gm.
- Low birth weight (LBW): Birth weight below () 2500 gm. irrespective of the duration of gestation.
- Very low birth weight baby: A newborn weighing less than 1500 gm at birth.
- Extremely low birth weight (ELBW): A newborn weighing less than 1000 gm at birth.
- Incredible weight: A newborn weighing less than 750 gm at birth.
Criteria of a Normal Newborn or Neonate:
A healthy or normal newborn usually has the following physical characteristic–
- Gestation: 37 completed weeks to 42 weeks.
- Birth weight: The average weight of a normal full term newborn, infant is about 2.9 kg with a variation of 2.5 to 3.9 kg or more.
- OFC/head circumference: 33 to 37 cm, with the average of 35 cm.
- Length: The range of length is 48 to 53 cm, average 50 cm.
- Chest circumference: The chest circumference is about 3 cm less than head circumference.
- Breathing: Spontaneous & regular, rate 30-60 breaths /minutes.
- Heart rate: 100-160 beats / minutes.
- Color: Pink but slight peripheral cyanosis, soon after birth is normal.
- Axillary temperature: 97.5-99.5 F (36.5-37.5 ‘C).
- Able to suck breastfeeding soon after birth.
- Mostly passes urine within in 24 hours, some not pass urine up to 48 hours.
- Mostly passes meconium within in 24 hours of birth.
- Sleep around 18 hours in a day.
- No apparent congenital in malformation.
- No birth trauma.
More questions related to this article:
- What is newborn baby?
- Define newborn.
- Who is a neonate baby?
- Classify newborn according to gestational age and birth weight.
- Classify newborn according to gestational age.
- Mention the classifications of newborn according to gestational age.
- Write down the criteria of normal new born.
- Write the characteristics of term baby.
- How will you identify healthy neonate?
- Mention the criteria of normal new born.
- Briefly discuss the criteria of normal new born.