Checklist for Essential Newborn Care in Hospital
Newborn Baby or Neonate Care:
First four weeks of life after birth are described as newborn period. Proper care of the newborn babies forms the foundation for the subsequent life not only in terms of longevity or survival but also in terms of qualitative outcome without any mental and physical disabilities.
Essential Newborn Care Checklist in Hospital:
Checklist for newborn care nursing in hospital has presented in the below:
1. Airway:
- Maintained,
- Compromised-open and maintain airway,
- Position,
- Suction.
2. Breathing:
- None or gasping-PPV (Positive pressure ventilation) with 100% oxygen.
- Normal-No interaction.
- Respiratory distress – Provide oxygen.
3. Circulation-CRT (Capillary Refill Time):
a. Normal:
- 3 seconds-(1). Normal saline bolus, (2). Check temperature.
b. Fluids:
- If CFT >3 seconds-IV RL/NS 10 ml/kg.
- If stressed baby-IV 10% Dextrose 2 ml kg.
- If circulation not compromised – Normal requirement.
You can read: Nursing Care of Newborn Baby at Birth
4. Danger signs:
- Bleeding- Inj. Vitamin K l mg I/V stat,
- Apnea – tactile stimulation & PPV,
- Grunt-Oxygen,
- Severe-Oxygen retractions,
- Abdominal distensions-NPO.
5. Feeds:
- Weight < 1200 gm-Gavage feeds.
- Weight 1200-1800 gms-Katori spoon feeding.
- Weight > 1800 gms- Breast feeding.
6. Temperature assess:
- Hypothermia – provides heat,
- Cold stress-skin to skin contact, use warmer, use extra layers of clothes,
- Normal,
- Hyperthermia-uncovers.
7. Medications:
- Pneumonia-IV antibiotics -Ampicillin, Gentamycin,
- Apnea-IV Aminophylin,
- Meningitis-IV antibiotics.
8. Monitoring:
a. Temperature:
- Touch method,
- Temperature record 2 hourly.
b. Respiration:
- Apnetic,
- Gasping,
- Tachypneic-RR,
- Retractions +/-,
- Grunts +/-.
c. Color:
- Pink,
- Pale,
- Pink with Peripheries cyanosed.
d. Heart rate:
- Normal,
- Tachycardia,
- Bradycardia.
e. CFT:
- >3 secs.
9. Communication:
a. For referral:
- Inform parents/ relatives about baby’s referral.
- Inform need for referral.
- Communicate place of referral.
- Communicate with the higher centre if possible.
- Send a written note about details of birth & care.
- Send a health worker with the family if possible.
- Mother to accompany as far as possible.
b. For home care:
- Exclusive breast feeding.
- Maintain temperature-teach tactile assessment.
- Prevent infection – Cord & eye care.
- Danger signs – early care seeking.
- Maternal nutrition, rest supplements & spacing.
10. Follow up:
- Follow up 2 weekly initially for 2-3 visit.
- Check weigh, mode of feeding, enquire problems during each visit.
- Follow up every month thereafter.
- Immunization advice.
- Weaning advice.
Common Health Problems of Newborn:
Common health problems of a newborn baby includes-
- Vomiting,
- Constipation,
- Diarrhea,
- Excessive crying,
- Evening colic or three (3) months colic,
- Excessive sleepiness,
- Dehydration fever,
- Sneezing and nose block,
- Hiccups,
- Napkin rash,
- Breath holding spells,
- Cradle cap,
- Obstructed nasolacrimal duct,
- Umbilical granuloma,
- Mastitis neonatorum,
- Vaginal bleeding and mucoid secretions (female baby),
- Physiological phimosis (male baby).
More questions related to this article:
- Who is a neonate?
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- Write down the cheek list for newborn care at hospital.
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